Lambton Centre provides a safe and nurturing environment for our campers, family and staff. Respect and trust are one of the most important elements of the camp experience. We ask that before your campers arrive at camp, they are aware that they must respect other campers, staff, camp policies, and the camp facility. Lambton Centre reserves the right to remove any camper from the program should their behaviour pose a physical or emotional threat to any camper, staff member or the camp property without refunding registration fees. Lambton Centre is a smoke, alcohol and drug-free facility, and the use of these substances will result in immediate dismissal from the camp program without a refund.
If there is an emergency or a child is missing home more than usual, the Summer Camp Director will contact the parents/guardians. Campers are not permitted to receive phone calls or visitors.
Lambton Centre’s summer camp program strives to be “gadget-free.” Campers are not permitted to bring cell phones, personal computers, iPods or related devices to camp. Gadgets will only be utilized by staff for camp purposes.
Lambton Centre culinary staff offer a wide assortment of meal options that cater to the needs of mainstream alternative diets. Should your camper require any unique dietary items, please bring them to registration. If you have questions or concerns regarding alternative diets at camp, contact the Summer Camp Director. Lambton Centre is a peanut safe facility and does not permit campers to bring nut products to camp.
Lambton Centre recognizes the importance of each camper’s unique medical needs. All medications must be submitted to the camp Health Care Provider at the time of registration. No camper will be permitted to carry any personal medications, except for Epipens, Inhalers, or others, at the discretion of the Summer Camp Director and Health Care Staff.
With the current COVID-19 pandemic Lambton Centre has been working closely with the Ontario Camps Association and Lambton Public Health to develop a summer camp program that can provide an exciting outdoor camp experience for young campers in a way that is as safe as possible. Providing a safe camp experience is a cooperative effort shared by camp staff, campers and parents/guardians. Therefore, we need you and your child to agree to follow the following rules.
- Campers will need to respect the need for physical distancing as directed by counsellors.
- Campers must always stay with their cabin group.
- Campers will not share any items with other campers in their group. This will include sunscreen, insect repellent, water bottles, brushes, towels or any other item.
- If a camper is not feeling well, they must advise their counsellor, who will follow-up with the camp health care provider.
- Although campers will not need to wear a mask all the time, it is recommended that they have a mask that they can use if needed.
- You must provide a screening of your camper before leaving home. This screening will include the child’s temperature and checking for any of the following symptoms, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, headache, and a general feeling of being unwell.
- If your child has any COVID-19 symptoms or has been in contact with anyone with symptoms, they must be kept home.
- If there is any concern that your child may have COVID-19, they are to notify the Summer Camp Director and the Lambton Public Health.
- Provide your camper with their own supplies of sunscreen, insect repellent, towels, a water bottle that are labelled and not to be shared (even between siblings).
- Upon arrival at the camp, you will remain in your vehicle and complete the drop-off screening with a Senior Staff member. The camper will then proceed to their cabin group if they pass the screening.
- If a camper becomes ill at camp, the camper will be isolated at the Farm House with Lambton Centre Staff, who will contact the emergency contact and arrange for the child to be picked up immediately.
- To facilitate the screening process at drop-off and pick-up, you will be given a specific time for drop-off and pick-up.
Information about best practices related to running a summer camp during a pandemic is continually changing. Lambton Centre will keep you informed of information updates through emails and posting updates on our web page. Should you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask.
By submitting this application, the parents/guardian agree for and on behalf of themselves and the camper that any photograph or video taken of the camper by camp personnel or others authorized by the Camp Director may be used without charge by Lambton Centre for any promotional material; including brochures, slideshows, videos, websites or social media networks; unless a written letter is submitted that states otherwise.